Thursday, February 11, 2016

Microsoft-induced open thread

Ordinarily I spend an hour or so to get a blog post going, but this morning Microsoft decided to hold my computer hostage for nearly an hour and a half to install software updates, so my time for writing is essentially gone. So that means this is going to be an open thread, for the most part, although I will offer a few suggestions for topics you might want to consider:

  • The end of the line for Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina. Liked one much better than the other, personally.
  • The horrified headline on the dead tree version of the Star Tribune this morning (but not easily found on the website, oddly) detailing that, because the Supreme Court didn't let Barack Obama unilaterally shut down the coal industry via executive order, that the Paris Agreement on climate change may be imperiled.
  • Why Microsoft sucks.
  • Did I mention that Microsoft sucks?
Still, it's open for whatever. Talk to D.


Brian said...

I have lost hours of my life to Microsoft updates.

This is why I never, ever agree to shut my computer (that goes with me) down when I leave the office for the day (especially on Fridays). Sleep mode for you!

Mr. D said...

Yep -- I needed to reboot it for a different reason this morning and it became a hostage situation. I use a Mac at work and I'm tempted to bite down hard and pay the extra money for a Mac for home next time.

Brian said...

I was hoping the employer was going to move towards Macs, but it was just announced that the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 is going to be the standard issue in the next round of upgrades. I am...apprehensive.

I should add though (in case they are listening) that the Gates themselves (who indirectly pay about 2/3 of my salary these days) are fantastic human beings for whom I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration. :)

First Ringer said...

I'll go full Clinton on you, D, and say I feel your pain. I lost a solid chunk of my work day yesterday due to computer updates. Never fun.

Mr. D said...

I should add though (in case they are listening) that the Gates themselves (who indirectly pay about 2/3 of my salary these days) are fantastic human beings for whom I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration. :)

Ha! Not many people know it, but Bill Gates is a terrific dancer.

I lost a solid chunk of my work day yesterday due to computer updates. Never fun.

No good, FR. Hate that.

Gerry said...

The MS Updates are the tax for your uber-production of three blog posts yesterday. We simply cannot allow that level of productivity.

Bike Bubba said...

I am personally torn on Microsoft--whether to turn things off or not. Sometimes I find that if I leave things on for too long, things really get out of hand. Great example of the problems you get when you try to add too many features, I guess.

Bike Bubba said...

Bit of humor as well; I've worked in the hard drive industry for the better part of two decades, and we used to joke that the challenge was to keep the drive bigger than the next OS Gates was going to develop. It wasn't always a gimme. I've also written work instructions for test systems where the first step when someone has problems is "reboot the system to clear out errors in the OS." It was scary how often it worked.

Gino said...

i keep my pc on all the time, with updates set to run in the middle of the nite when i'm asleep (or at work). it shuts off and restarts itself and its always ready when i am.

but i'm not very tech savy, so i'm probably doing something wrong and dont know it.