Monday, November 09, 2015

An excellent suggestion

Kevin Williamson, writing in National Review, provides an excellent suggestion for the new Speaker of the House:
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who is a numbers guy, should have the CBO rescore Obamacare as it is actually being implemented, incorporating not only the proposed Cadillac-tax repeal but also the effects of enrollment numbers that are lower than projected — current expectations are that 2016 will see about half the enrollments originally estimated. The result will be not billions but hundreds of billions of dollars in additional deficits. Let Herself defend that on the campaign trail this year, or let that batty old loon from Vermont try to convince the public that all that lost revenue can be made up by raising taxes on 400 guys in Manhattan. By all means, let’s have that fight.
It's also, without question, the discussion we need to be having. While it's always fun to discuss Ben Carson's CV, what happens with Obamacare matters a lot more.

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