Monday, April 21, 2014

Crisis of faith

One of the many reasons that second terms don't go well in modern presidencies is that the passage of time has a way of revealing unpleasant things. Barack Obama is learning that now, as the Washington Examiner notes:
What Fox News found in its most recent public opinion survey was that 61 percent of Americans believe Obama “lies” about important public issues either “most of the time” or “some of the time.” No other president in living memory has conducted himself in a manner that warranted even asking if such a description was appropriate.

It comes as no surprise today that Obama's defenders are sparing no invective for Fox News in the wake of that survey. But it was the president, not Fox News, who repeatedly and knowingly misled the American people with two infamous Obamacare lies: “You can keep your health insurance if you like it. Period. You can keep your doctor. Period.” For better or worse, Obama will forever be known as the president who chose repeatedly to propagate two falsehoods. Those two lies were profoundly significant because they were designed to hide the truth about how Obamacare would affect the daily lives and health of hundreds of millions of Americans.

Since it became painfully clear in 2013 that Obama had lied about Obamacare since 2009, it has been increasingly difficult for many Americans to continue accepting at face value his statements on other major public issues. 
And yes, he said it repeatedly:

At this point, well over five years since the financial crisis of 2008, it's getting difficult to blame things on George W. Bush, who has kept an exceptionally low profile. While I suspect the Democrats will continue to try, it's going to be a stretch.

I never believed in Barack Obama, because you can never trust a Chicago politician. It's taken a while, but most people understand that now.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

I'm personally shocked it's only 61%. What are the other 39% smoking, as they can't all live in Colorado and Washington?